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  • Writer's pictureStupidlySimpleSport

Game, Set and Match #2

Clara and Alex are very much in love (at least that's what they told us).They met through sport and told JohnJo Devlin their story.

How did you meet?

We met at a tag-rugby social (12 pubs of Christmas) over a packet of Percy Pigs, in the Kings Head.

What is it about tag that brought you together? Or makes it great for meeting people?

The social side brought us together. Tag rugby is something guys and girls can enjoy together, on the sports side and socially. Definitely more successful than a dating app for either of us!

Do you still play tag together?

Yep, still play together, on two teams currently.

Who’s better at tag?

Hmmm, who’s better? A question we will continue to debate but, funnily enough, Alex thinks he’s the better play as he has 5 and a bit years on me! However, he does admit, relative to our genders, I’m probably the better player! 📷

Who’s the dirtier player 📷?

On this occasion, I think it’s fair to say Alex is the dirtier player. He has a tendency to wind people up on the pitch..

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